How To Start Playing Volleyball – My Personal Story
My Personal Story Starting Volleyball
I remember what it was like when I started playing volleyball. I was sitting in my high school counselors office because I was new to the school. It was my very first day of school and I was nervous about a plethora of things not even thinking about sports in the slightest. I’ve always been an athletic girl and been good at anything that I tried (not bragging at all.) While I was sitting there waiting for the counselor to process my school schedule, in walks the volleyball coach. He took one look at me, then looked straight to my mother and said, ‘does she play volleyball?’ My mother, being the proactive mom that she is responded, ‘No, but she could.’ Let me tell you, my fate was signed sealed, and delivered.

Finding My Place On The Team
Now we are not always led to a great place on our own. I would have NEVER even looked into volleyball if it wouldn’t have been that little push from the coach and my mother. I was soon enrolled in my first volleyball camp. We went to Campbell University that summer and stayed an entire week doing drills, learning skills, and ‘bonding.’
I was completely lost. Not only did the coaches not treat me as a beginner, but they also slammed me right into the mix and I had no idea what was going on. Talk about a bummer.
Finding Confidence Within
Over the course of the week, I became more stressed when I realized I might not be cut out for volleyball. It might not just be my ‘thing.’ Now, I’m no quitter. I often try past the time that I should! But, something wasn’t initially clicking for me. I wasn’t building a relationship with the girls, they saw me as an outsider, and I didn’t know what the heck I was doing on the court.
Because of that, I’m going to give you some tips on how to start playing volleyball if you’ve never played before!
Your First Steps Playing Volleyball
- Know Your Worth
- Never forget how wonderful you are. Some things in life come easier to others sadly. Volleyball may not be one of them for you, it wasn’t for me initially. But what separates me from everyone else is that I stuck with it, no matter HOW hard it got for me. It may be tough in the beginning, but don’t give up. It will get better!
- You Have To Practice
- Good things come to those who wait. But better things come to those who go out there and get it. If you’re sitting on your couch reading this thinking that you’re going to become good at volleyball overnight, I have another thing coming for you sister. It ain’t going to happen like that. You have to actively begin the process of learning the sport.
- Meet Other Volleyball Players
- Let’s say that you are new to the sport and no NO ONE. If you’re middle school / high school-aged, I highly recommend meeting some of the players at your school and talking to them. If you’re an adult, I HIGHLY suggest meetup! There are a ton of Meetup groups for every single thing that you could imagine.
- Watch A TON of YouTube Videos
- One thing that I do differently than a lot of other coaches is, I take the time to review volleyball concepts and skills with my players. If you’re completely new to the game, I’m not going to throw you on the net and say, ‘run a slide.’ That’s how I was treated and I don’t recommend anyone treat you like that either. I suggest reviewing volleyball concepts on blogs, forums, and YouTube videos. Just so you become more versed in the game.
Those are some of the things that I wish someone would have told me or at least helped a sister out with! This is my very first blog post on this blog and I hope to provide a ton of insight on volleyball and all the experiences that I’ve had. Heck, I might even upload some of my old volleyball tapes and videos. So tell me, have you played volleyball before? Are you looking into it? Happy Digging!
Coach Koko
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